Executive Director Swazee on Iowa Public Television

In a human-interest piece produced by Colleen Krantz of Iowa Public Television for PBS’s nationally syndicated program Market-to-Market, Executive Director Steve Swazee was interviewed about SharedGeo’s efforts to promote use of the U.S. National Grid (USNG) as the “emergency response language of location.” In a segment entitled Advocates Urge Adoption of Old Grid for Geolocation which aired April 17th, Director Swazee was joined by responders and others in advocating for Emergency Services Sector (ESS) use of the USNG geolocation standard – the civilianized version of the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) which has been in use by U.S. Armed Forces and NATO for communicating location for more than 70 years. With 34% of the nation’s emergency response calls being dispatched to locations without a street address, Swazee encouraged adoption of the USNG geolocation standard as the answer for this communication problem. In recent years, USNG use has been formally endorsed by the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Geographic Data Committee, National Search and Rescue Committee, Society of Automotive Engineers and many other response, technical and cartographic organizations.
You can view the story at the following link: https://youtu.be/mvw3u2M9JZ0
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