USNG Store
Purpose: Distribute products supporting use of the
U.S. National Grid
Funder: SharedGeo!
Project Partners: America’s Emergency Service Sector
In response to growing interest in SharedGeo’s U.S. National Grid based Emergency Location Marker (ELM) system, in 2012 SharedGeo launched the U.S. National Grid Store as a way to promote and offer these and related USNG products online. Since that time, a product line of five items has grown to more than 30, some of which are shown in the above slide show. In order to properly position the U.S. National Grid Store to accommodate current products and anticipated future growth, a complete rebuild of the USNG Store is underway with an expected completion date of mid-summer 2022. Until the new store is completed, please contact ShareGeo at usngstore@sharedgeo.org if you need information on USNG products.
If you would like to review the store as it currently exists, please use the link below.
U.S. National Grid Store